Beginner Entrepreneur
Are you starting a business? Are you planning to open a company or a trade? Are you looking for suitable business premises? We believe we have the right solution for you!
Stjepan Jelušić
Hardware - final product assembly
"My name is Stjepan. I came to BIOS as a beginner entrepreneur to further enhance my skills in final product assembly. The environment at BIOS serves as true motivation, with each day marking the start of a new challenge. The other residents and the BIOS management are prime examples of how multiple young companies in one place can grow in parallel and push each other towards higher goals."
Stjepan Jelušić
Hardware - final product assembly

"My name is Stjepan. I came to BIOS as a beginner entrepreneur to further enhance my skills in final product assembly. The environment at BIOS serves as true motivation, with each day marking the start of a new challenge. The other residents and the BIOS management are prime examples of how multiple young companies in one place can grow in parallel and push each other towards higher goals."
Who is it intended for?
• For all entrepreneurs who are at the very beginning of their business journey
• For all entrepreneurs who are in the process of establishing or about to establish a simple limited company (j.d.o.o.), a limited liability company (d.o.o.), a flat-rate trade, a trade, or any other legal entity
• For those who want low operating costs and free advisory services
Rental prices for commercial and industrial spaces

Low costs
The cheapest square meter of business space in the city with low utility costs.

Being in the Incubator means connecting with other entrepreneurs at BIOS, seeing how others work and learning from them, exchanging ideas, and taking advantage of business opportunities.

Every beginning is difficult, but the support we provide offers the possibility for faster development of individuals and teams.

Low costs
The cheapest square meter of business space in the city with low utility costs.

Being in the Incubator means connecting with other entrepreneurs at BIOS, seeing how others work and learning from them, exchanging ideas, and taking advantage of business opportunities.

Every beginning is difficult, but the support we provide offers the possibility for faster development of individuals and teams.